
When Parents are involved, 
Everybody WINS!
The Boerne-Samuel V. Champion PTO is an organization that truly embodies the spirit of collaboration, the rewards of volunteering, and most of all, having fun!

We have numerous programs available to suit almost everyone's' schedules, strengths, and/or skills.  We have a volunteer opportunity for you to meet your interests and availability!

Please note, if you are volunteering to work directly with students, you must complete a volunteer application Volunteer Application Form
Volunteer Interests


PTO Committees


Please consider helping us as a Committee Chair.  We always need volunteers to help our board.

  • FUNd Food Days (up to 6 per year) 
  • Scholarship (chair committee to review and award scholarship in April)           
  • Spring Fling (chair committee to organize event Friday before Spring Break)          
  • Staff Appreciation (chair committee for events throughout the year) 
  • Teacher Spotlight  (chair committee to celebrate teacher of the quarter)      
  • Thanksgiving Pies  (coordinate event)                                
  • Nominating Chair (coordinate committee to recruit for following year board)

For questions about a PTO Committee, contact us at championpto@gmail.com




Business Sponsors

 PTO would love to have a few business sponsors this year.  We realize there is a lot of competition for your monies but please consider donating to us.  Remember, PTO is the ONLY organization that supports both CHS staff and ALL CHS students.  No amount is too small.  Email us at championpto@gmail.com if interested. 

Contact CHS PTO

Email Us

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